Aarong Dairy Full Cream Liquid Milk 1 ltr
Aarong Dairy Full Cream Liquid Milk 1 ltr
৳ 65.00 -
Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 400 gm
Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee
৳ 520.00Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 400 gm
৳ 520.00 -
Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 400 gm
Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 400 gm
৳ 520.00Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 400 gm
৳ 520.00 -
Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 900 gm
Ghee is clarified butter, a.k.a. butter that has been simmered and strained to remove all water. In France, clarified butter has uncooked milk solids, yielding a product with a very clean, sweet flavor. In comparison, ghee is cooked over low heat until the milk solids have a chance to start to brown lightly, creating a slightly nutty, caramelized vibe. It is shelf-stable, with a high smoke point and deeply nutty flavor. Ghee has played a key role in Ayurveda for centuries, where it’s prized for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and therapeutic properties.
৳ 1,100.00Aarong Dairy Pure Ghee 900 gm
৳ 1,100.00 -
Aarong Dairy Sour Yogurt 500 ml
Aarong Dairy Sour Yogurt 500 ml
৳ 80.00Aarong Dairy Sour Yogurt 500 ml
৳ 80.00 -
Aarong Nazirshail Rice 5 kg
Aarong Nazirshail Rice 5 kg
৳ 430.00Aarong Nazirshail Rice 5 kg
৳ 430.00